Archive | March, 2009

Fort Collins Celebrates Iraq Anniversary with Broken Recruitment Windows

17 Mar


Fort Collins, Colorado celebrates the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq by breaking windows at a military recruitment center.

Happy Anniversary! Last night People Against War broke three windows at a military recruitment center in Fort Collins, Colorado. We threw the stones in commemoration of 6 years of murder in Iraq. We wanted to celebrate with a bang! With a smash and a crash!

Yup, we know this is a little action. Breaking a few windows is small resistance to the machinery of the state that’s destroying millions of lives. But an anniversary’s an anniversary and we wanted to celebrate!

Military recruitment gets a big grin out of people losing jobs, cause there’s ever more despair to feed off of. Even a few broken windows diverts time and money that would go to recruitment.

Grab a rock and join in celebrating the anniversary!!