Tag Archives: capture

Portfolio Bandit taken captive

14 May

A man suspected of being the FBI’s “Portfolio Bandit” bank robber was arrested Thursday afternoon at an apartment in the 7500 block of North Broadway in Adams County.

Eric R. Dodd is accused of robbing 13 banks in the metro area since December 2008, often removing a note demanding cash from a portfolio. In some robberies he indicated he had a weapon, but one was never seen.

Dodd’s criminal record in the metro area includes several traffic offenses dating back to 1995, records show.

Bad week for bank robbers

20 Nov

There have been three tragic defeats for bank robbers in Colorado this week.  As we express our total solidarity to the criminals, our hatred of the police, and our grief at the captures and deaths, let’s not forget that there are also dozens, perhaps hundreds, of bank robbers who are still free in Colorado.

The media wants us scared to take action.  There are tons of successful heists that go unreported by the media, but every time a bank robber is caught they report on it.  Just something to keep in mind.

In solidarity.